About Solar Energy

Solar energy is the primary source of energy for our Planet. An increased utilization of the same would result in an all-round benefit, both in terms of cleaner environment and monetary gain, for both individual users as well as the Nation.

For many years, solar energy has been the power supply choice for industrial applications, especially where power is required at remote locations. Because solar systems are highly reliable and require little maintenance, they are ideal in distant or isolated places .Thus making technology accessible to millions of people who are underserved.

Energy alone is not sufficient for creating the conditions for economic growth, but it is certainly necessary. Access to electricity is particularly crucial to human development as electricity is, in practice, indispensable for certain basic activities, such as lighting and cannot easily be replaced by other forms of energy. Individuals’ access to electricity is one of the most clear and un-distorted indication of a country’s energy poverty status.

Electricity access is more and more at the forefront of governments’ preoccupations, especially in the poorest countries. As a consequence a lot of rural electrification programs and national electrification agencies have been created in these countries to monitor more accurately the needs and the status of rural development and electrification.